Portasonic 2.FLO portable clamp on flow meter: The Award Winning Portasonic to non-invasively measure the flow of any clean liquid through a wide variety of pipes. Can also be combined with the Portasonic® 2.FLO Calculator to calculate and store internal pressure readings! Non-invasive utrasonic flow technology allows the internal flow of a pipe to be measured without the need to modify or acess the internals of the pipe in any form. Simply place sensors on the outside of the pipe, go through the setup process and instantly measure the speed and volume of liquid flowing through the pipe. This is used throughout proces industry, fire hydrant testing and numerous other testing and maintenance applications.
The Portasonic® Calculator is the first instrument capable of determining the internal pressure within pipes, using non-invasive, external flow technology. This calculator is designed to operate alongside our Portasonic 2.FLO® Ultrasonic Flow Meter. The Portasonic is one of the world’s leading non-invasive flow meters and is an essential tool for a wide variety of maintenance and inspection needs.