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Coltraco Portasteele Calculator

Coltraco Portasteele Calculator

The Portasteele Calculator is a tablet platform designed to calculate the precise agent weight for any cylinder liquid level, and then store the readings for export, reporting & data traceability

Used in partnership with the Portalevel® Ultrasonic Level Indicator range

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The Portasteele™ Calculator calculates the agent weight of a fire suppression cylinder. It does this using the liquid level determined by our Portalevel™ unit, or inversely using the required fill level for a certain weight of suppression agent. The Portasteele™ Calculator is sold as a stand-alone unit on a 7’’ hand-held tablet to be used in conjunction with our Portalevel™ range.

It therefore replaces the use of more complicated manual calculations and formulas with a quick, intuitive to use tablet. It also enables you to record and download the results in .csv format to add value to reporting.

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